How do I audit my marketing?

How do I audit my marketing?

Most marketing teams have a whole range of marketing materials; some of it is new but most of it will be historic – it’s time for a marketing audit.

In some cases, pieces will have been created purely to address a short-term tactical need but don’t necessarily support the overall brand strategy.

Different creative teams may have created some with different expectations on brand or corporate styling. However, you have got there, if you feel there is a need to get to grips with what you have but don’t know where to start – Can you be objective?

Talk to Toast Today about your marketing

Brand Strategy

It has been said that performing an audit yourself is like trying to change the tyres on your car while you’re still driving it!

This is where Toast can help. Toast delivers professional and impartial brand and marketing audits. Our audits allow our clients to get more than just an external perspective; we provide a clear benchmark of the brand and marketing. This benchmark not only establishes where you currently are and where you need to go, it provides the confidence to do so.

So what does the audit include?

Brand Strategy

1. Overview

We get under the skin of exactly what you want to achieve, how you have approached it and what the results have been to date

2. The Figures

We appreciate that everyone wants more clarity on Return on Investment, so we will examine what has been spent, on what and what the results have been on activity to date.

3. The Audit

We collate, review and objectively assess your brand, your marketing collateral and for digital materials.

4. The Report

We provide a complete report on all of our findings, together with an action plan for moving forward.

Brand Strategy

If the above sounds interesting and you would like to read a little more on our audits then check out this post.

If you think this could help you take control of your brand and marketing activity and provide the confidence you would like to have going forward then talk to us today.


Simon Browne

Written by: Simon Browne

Simon works on strategy at Toast. He has over 20 years experience in providing strategic insight for companies of all shapes and sizes that need to get to the seed of the idea, concept or direction. He's worked in diverse business development roles for growing and established brands including Lloyds Bank and Zurich.
