Anti-Bribery Policy.

1. Policy Statement

Toast Design Consultancy Limited is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner, and is committed to implementing and enforcing systems that ensure bribery is prevented. Toast Design Consultancy Limited has zero-tolerance for bribery and corrupt activities. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships, wherever in the world we operate.

2. Legislation

This policy exists to comply with the UK Bribery Act 2010, which makes it illegal for individuals or organisations to offer, give, receive, or solicit any financial or other advantage to induce or reward improper performance of a public or business function.

3. Who is Covered by the Policy?

This policy applies to all individuals working at all levels and grades, including senior managers, officers, directors, employees (whether permanent, fixed-term, or temporary), consultants, contractors, trainees, seconded staff, homeworkers, casual workers, agency staff, volunteers, interns, agents, or any other person associated with us, or any of our subsidiaries or their employees, wherever located.

4. Definition of Bribery

Bribery refers to the act of offering, giving, promising, asking, agreeing, receiving, accepting, or soliciting something of value as an inducement for an action which is illegal, unethical or a breach of trust.

5. Gifts and Hospitality

This policy does not prohibit normal and appropriate hospitality (given and received) to or from third parties, provided the following requirements are met:

  • It is not intended to influence a third party to obtain or retain business or a business advantage.
  • It does not include cash or a cash equivalent (such as gift certificates or vouchers).
  • It is appropriate in the circumstances.
  • Taking into account the reason for the gift, it is of an appropriate type and value and given at an appropriate time.
  • It is given openly, not secretly.
  • Gifts should not be offered to, or accepted from, government officials or representatives, or politicians or political parties, without the prior approval of the Managing Director.

6. Facilitation Payments and Kickbacks

Toast Design Consultancy Limited does not accept and will not make any form of facilitation payments of any nature. We recognise that facilitation payments are a form of bribery and are illegal under UK law.

7. Donations

Toast Design Consultancy Limited does not make contributions to political parties. We only make charitable donations that are legal and ethical under local laws and practices.

8. Employee Responsibility

Every employee and individual acting on behalf of Toast Design Consultancy Limited is responsible for maintaining the highest standards of behaviour. Employees must ensure they read, understand, and comply with this policy.

9. Raising Concerns

Employees are encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of malpractice at the earliest possible stage. If you are unsure whether a particular act constitutes bribery or corruption, or if you have any other queries, these should be raised with your line manager or the compliance department.

10. Training and Communication

Training on this policy forms part of the induction process for all individuals who work for us, and regular training will be provided as necessary.

11. Breach of This Policy

Any breach of this policy will be taken seriously and may result in disciplinary action, including termination. Where appropriate, Toast Design Consultancy Limited may terminate its contractual relationship with other individuals and organisations working on behalf of the Toast Design Consultancy Limited.

Note that this content is © Toast Design Consultancy Limited 2022–2024. All rights resererved. Do not copy this content for your own purposes.
