Bathroom catalogue for Mere Bathrooms.
Creating a modern luxury bathroom catalogue.
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Mere Bathrooms approached Toast with the need of redesigning their annual product catalogue which is not only used by their sales and marketing team but is also supplied to their retail partners.
As the project was time critical, Toast project managed the catalogue production and were in regular contact with Mere to ensure things ran smoothly. The catalogue was then broken down into sections so that concurrent activity was enabled, ensuring time was used efficiently.
Even though time was an issue, we still created initial design concepts for the bathroom catalogue from which an agreed design and template style was established. This was then applied to the rest of the catalogue to maintain a consistent look and feel. The catalogue was completed and printed on time and within budget and was well received.
Get a quote for your catalogueWhat was involved.
There were several elements that needed creating, including:
- Design of product page templates
- Technical line drawings of the products
- Additional icons created/amended
- Photoshop image colour balancing
- Creation of a coloured tab navigation system
The Devil is in the detail.
Various processes were put in place to ensure the project ran as smoothly as possible and to minimise errors.
These included:
- Using Basecamp for project management of files and amends
- Annotated PDFs providing a checklist of amends
- Excel spreadsheets for product information and SKU codes
- Page plan for products and order